BSc (Hons) in Psychology (BPS)

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BSc (Hons) in Psychology (BPS)

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    BSc (Hons) in Psychology (BPS).

    Course type: Undergraduate

    Career Path: Psychology

    Course Category: BSc


    Psychology is a fascinating science. Why do people behave in the way they do? How do our minds work? The key knowledge areas within psychology will all be covered in this course: research methods, biological psychology, cognitive psychology, individual differences, developmental psychology and social psychology. You will also gain knowledge of the history of psychological theory.

    Possible course requirements

    A high school diploma or equivalent qualifications in two subjects at GCE A level plus passes at grade C or above in three subjects at GCSE level. If you are not an English native speaker, you will be required to provide us with a proof of English language level equivalent to IELTS 6.0 or above.

    Course duration: 3 to 6 years

    Campus based: No

    Location: Online

    Intake: July 18, October 18

    Who are Arden University?.

    At Arden, we believe everyone, everywhere has the right to higher education. We've supported more than 50,000 students over 25 years & are the experts in flexible UK degrees, masters and MBAs.

    We offer career-focused online distance learning courses worldwide, as well as blended learning study at our UK study centres. You can study at our Ealing, Tower Hill, Holborn, Birmingham or Manchester study centres.

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