Kurs 13210 - C++ Foundation for Non-C Programmers - Part 2

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Kurs 13210 - C++ Foundation for Non-C Programmers - Part 2

  • Ziele - Identify the features of object-oriented programming. - Declare a class. - Create an object to a class. - Invoke and access member functions. - Identify the function of a pointer. - Manipulate member functions. - Declare special member functions. - Inherit a class from a given base class. - Use different types of polymorphism. - Design and invoke different types of classes. - Convert one data type to another non-fundamental data type. - Develop efficient applications by using standard libraries and exception handling techniques. - Identify the steps in the development life cycle.
  • Anforderungen Application developers, application programmers, client/server developers, systems programmers, and software engineers are the types of people who would benefit from this course. Students should be experienced in at least one structured (not C) programming language, with possible exposure to Object-Oriented concepts and principles. Participants will likely be COBOL programmers (or equivalent), 4GL programmers (e.g., Visual Basic, PowerSoft, etc.) or have limited experience with other Object-Oriented languages (e.g., SmallTalk, Eiffel, etc.) They should also have a detailed understanding of the general process of structured software design and development. Participants should have taken the first part of this series, course 13209.
  • Titel Kurs 13210 - C++ Foundation for Non-C Programmers - Part 2
  • Inhalt Deployment Options


    Total Learning Time

    6 to 8 hours


    Unit 1: Classes: Fundamentals

    - Match the features of object-oriented programming with their definitions.
    - Identify a class declaration with the specified private and public data members and functions.
    - Identify the definition of the member function of a class with the specified return type and parameters.
    - Identify the code to access the specified public class members of a class.
    - Identify the features of the pointer.
    - Identify the class declaration that represents the overloading of a member function.
    - Identify the code that invokes the specified constructors of a class.
    - Identify the code that overloads a specified operator.
    - Match the statement to invoke an implicit member function with the task performed by that function.
    - Identify the header of a member function definition for a specified scenario.

    Unit 2: Classes: Advanced Concepts

    - Match the depictions of different types of inheritance with their names.
    - Identify the base class members available to a derived class when access control to the base class is specified.
    - Identify the definition of a derived class to initialize the base class members.
    - Identify the code that represents the overriding of a base class member function.
    - Identify the differences between static and dynamic binding.
    - Identify the code that declares a virtual member function.
    - Identify the declaration of a class containing a pure virtual member function.
    - Identify the code for the specified class composition relationship.
    - Identify the set of class declarations that represents a virtual base class.
    - Complete the code to declare a friend function to access the private members of the specified class.
    - Complete the code to declare a friend class to access the private data members of a given class.
    - Identify the features of a nested class.
    - Identify the code to implement a template class.
    - Identify the class declaration to convert a fundamental data type to a user-defined data type.
    - Identify the code to convert a user-defined data type to a specified data type by using a conversion function.

    Unit 3: Efficient Applications: Development

    - Identify the code that uses the specified standard C++ library functions.
    - Identify the code that performs standard I/O operations by using the member functions of the cin and cout objects.
    - Match the output formatting methods with their descriptions.
    - Identify the code to perform the input and output operations on a text file.
    - Identify the code to perform the input and output operations on a binary file.
    - Identify the code that uses the try and catch blocks to handle exceptions.
    - Identify the code that uses multiple tries and catch blocks to handle the specified exceptions.
    - Identify the code for exception handling by using a user-defined exception class.
    - Identify the code to implement exception handling by using the standard exception class.
    - Identify the code that rectifies the specified type of exception handling problem.
    - Match various stages of the object-oriented software development life cycle with the actions performed in those stages.
    - Identify the features of component-based development.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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