Ziele- Match elements of the Quattro Pro interface with their functions. - Save a notebook by using the Save As command. - Match data types with their descriptions.
- Match elements of the Quattro Pro interface with their functions.
- Save a notebook by using the Save As command.
- Match data types with their descriptions.
- Identify methods for editing the contents of a cell.
- Identify options in the Insert Cells dialog box.
- Match numeric formats with their displays.
- Enter a simple formula.
- Create a function.
- Identify options in the SpeedFormat dialog box.
- Identify options for creating a chart using the Expert Wizard.
- Match Print Preview options with their functions.
- Match tabs available from the Spreadsheet Print dialog box with their functions.
Course Access
Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.
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