Kurs 15034 - Macromedia Fireworks MX Part 1

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Kurs 15034 - Macromedia Fireworks MX Part 1

  • Ziele - Match elements of the Fireworks interface with their functions. - Identify Help resources for using Fireworks. - Create a new document in Fireworks.
  • Anforderungen Home-users, end-users
  • Titel Kurs 15034 - Macromedia Fireworks MX Part 1
  • Inhalt Course Description

    Macromedia Fireworks MX provides the tools for creating and producing web graphics and interactivity. It presents a single integrated, web-centered environment. This course introduces the fundamental concepts in Fireworks MX, including a description of the Fireworks interface and the tools that are used to create and enhance graphics objects. The learner is also introduced to working with layers.

    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Fireworks MX Fundamentals 2 - 3 hours

    - Match elements of the Fireworks interface with their functions.
    - Identify Help resources for using Fireworks.
    - Create a new document in Fireworks.
    - Save a file in Fireworks.
    - Match tools for selecting objects with their functions.
    - Create a bitmap object.
    - Identify options for drawing vector objects.
    - Add text to a Fireworks document.
    - Identify methods for transforming objects.
    - Identify methods for organizing objects in a Fireworks document.
    - Identify features of Fireworks layers.
    - Identify methods for manipulating layers in the Layers panel.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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