Ziele- Identify the new features of ActionScript 2.0. - Identify the methods for handling events. - Identify the tasks for defining a variable and storing data in it. - Identify the types of operators. - Identify the tasks involved in creating a function.
AnforderungenThis series is targeted at beginning and intermediate level users of Flash to develop applications or learn ActionScript.
- Identify the new features of ActionScript 2.0.
- Identify the basic elements of ActionScript.
Unit 2: Working with ActionScript - 1 hour
- Identify the methods for handling events.
- Identify the ways for attaching event handlers to buttons or movie clips.
- Identify the elements of ActionScript syntax.
- Identify the tasks for defining a variable and storing data in it.
- Identify the data types.
- Identify the key aspects involved in working with arrays.
- Identify the types of operators.
- Identify the steps for inserting text into text fields.
Unit 3: Working with Functions and Statements - 1 hour
- Identify the tasks involved in creating a function.
- Identify the different types of conditional statements.
- Identify the types of loops.
Unit 4: Working with Movie Clips - 1 hour
- Identify the methods to apply target paths to movie clips.
- Identify the methods for positioning, scaling, and rotating a movie clip.
- Identify the ways to control movie clips.
Course Access
Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.
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