Kurs 15851 - Adobe GoLive CS2: Getting Started

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Kurs 15851 - Adobe GoLive CS2: Getting Started

  • Ziele - Identify functions of elements of the Adobe GoLive CS2 interface. - Identify features of floating palettes. - Sequence steps to create a new Web site using the Site Creation Wizard. - Match Site window tabs with their descriptions. - Sequence steps to copy a folder using the Local File Browser. - Sequence steps to add pages to a Web site using the File menu.
  • Anforderungen The Audience consists of Web designers and developers involved with the creation and management of basic Web sites and Web content using Adobe GoLive CS2.
  • Titel Kurs 15851 - Adobe GoLive CS2: Getting Started
  • Inhalt Course Overview

    This course covers the Adobe GoLive CS2 environment, basic Web page editing, creating a new Web site, and organizing your files. It also covers basic HTML syntax and structure.

    Deployment Options



    CEU credits: 0.10 CEUs

    Total Learning Time

    1 hours


    Unit 1: Adobe GoLive CS2 Basics 1 hour

    - Identify features of floating palettes.
    - Sequence steps to create a new Web site using the Site Creation Wizard.
    - Identify steps to format text on a Web page.
    - Sequence steps to add an image to a Web page.
    - Identify HTML tag functions.

    Unit 2: Developing a Web Site 1 hour

    - Match Site window tabs with their descriptions.
    - Sequence steps to copy a folder using the Local File Browser.
    - Sequence steps to add pages to a Web site using the File menu.
    - Sequence steps to change the background color of a Web page.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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