Ziele- Identify the key aspects of Multipath. - Identify the key aspects of Hidden Node. - Identify the key aspects of the Near/Far problem. - Identify the key concepts related to Throughput. - Identify the key concepts related to narrowband and wideband interference. - Identify the key concepts related to adjacent and co-channel interference. - Identify the challenges that adverse weather conditions pose to wireless LANs.
AnforderungenThis CWNA curriculum is designed for the students, who want to take and pass the CWNA certification exam (PW0-100) and any technology professional entering into or advancing in the wireless networking industry.
In this course, you will learn the common wireless LAN implementation challenges and how to troubleshoot them. This course also discusses the different methods of discovering these challenges, and the remedies and workarounds to overcome these problems.
CEU credits: 0.30 CEUs
Total Learning Time
1 hours Objectives
Unit 1: 802.11 Network Troubleshooting 1 hour • Identify the key aspects of Multipath.
- Identify the key aspects of Hidden Node.
- Identify the key aspects of the Near/Far problem.
- Identify the key concepts related to Throughput.
- Identify the key concepts related to narrowband and wideband interference.
- Identify the key concepts related to adjacent and co-channel interference.
- Identify the challenges that adverse weather conditions pose to wireless LANs.
Course Access
Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.
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