Kurs 16473 - e-Business Part 7: Satisfying the Customer

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Kurs 16473 - e-Business Part 7: Satisfying the Customer

  • Ziele - Identify techniques for using the Internet as a marketing tool. - Identify the elements required to build customers' trust. - Identify the guidelines for selecting a domain name. - Identify the features of marketing online. - Identify the considerations for attracting customers. - Identify the features of a banner ad strategy. - Identify the features of customer relationship management (CRM). - Identify the features of customer life cycle management. - Identify customer relationship trends. - Identify the features of selling-chain management. - Identify the goals of selling-chain management. - Identify the business drivers influencing selling-chain management.
  • Anforderungen The audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Business Managers, and Project Managers.
  • Titel Kurs 16473 - e-Business Part 7: Satisfying the Customer
  • Inhalt Course Description

    This is the seventh course in an eight part series. Subjects covered in this course include marketing strategies, customer relationship management, and selling-chain management. In addition, students will focus on how to use an e-Business environment to better attract, retain, and satisfy customers.

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    Unit 1: Marketing Fundamentals 1 hour

    - Identify techniques for using the Internet as a marketing tool.
    - Identify the elements required to build customers' trust.
    - Identify the guidelines for selecting a domain name.
    - Identify features of competitor analysis.
    - Identify the features of successful Web site design.
    - Identify content considerations for an e-business Web site.
    - Identify the guidelines for localizing your Web site.
    - Identify the guidelines for providing access to information in your Web site.
    - Identify the guidelines for selecting an Internet service provider (ISP).
    - Identify factors to consider when maintaining a Web site.
    - Identify the guidelines for marketing your Web site.
    - Identify the features of search engines that relate to branding.
    - Identify the features of measuring success.
    - Identify the issues surrounding content delivery on noncomputer devices.
    - Identify the role of e-mail in e-business.
    - Identify the features of spam.
    - Identify the features of signature lines and autoresponders in e-mail.
    - Identify the guidelines for managing an e-mail database.
    - Identify the features of e-mail in online direct marketing.
    - Identify the guidelines for using e-mail in customer relations.

    Unit 2: Marketing Techniques 1 hour

    - Identify the features of marketing online.
    - Identify the considerations for attracting customers.
    - Identify the features of a banner ad strategy.
    - Identify the features of virtual societies.
    - Identify the guidelines for marketing in newsgroups.
    - Identify the features of database technologies.
    - Identify the public relations strategies used to publicize an e-business.
    - Identify the benefits of sponsorship.
    - Identify the features of advertising offline.

    Unit 3: CRM 2 hours

    - Identify the features of customer relationship management (CRM).
    - Identify the features of customer life cycle management.
    - Identify customer relationship trends.
    - Identify the features of customer relationship management (CRM) architecture.
    - Identify the features of customer relationship management (CRM) competencies.
    - Identify the features of next-generation customer relationship management (CRM).
    - Identify customer relationship management (CRM) implementation challenges.
    - Identify customer relationship management (CRM) trends.
    - Identify the guidelines for implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) infrastructure.

    Unit 4: Selling-Chain Management 2 hours

    - Identify the features of selling-chain management.
    - Identify the goals of selling-chain management.
    - Identify the business drivers influencing selling-chain management.
    - Identify the technology drivers influencing selling-chain management.
    - Sequence the steps in the order acquisition process.
    - Identify the elements of the selling-chain infrastructure.
    - Identify the opportunities that new selling techniques have provided for Supersoft2000.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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