Kurs 71591 - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Programming Fundamentals - Part 1

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Kurs 71591 - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Programming Fundamentals - Part 1

  • Ziele - Identify the advantages of Visual Basic and create a project in Visual Basic. - Identify the Visual Basic objects, set properties at design time and at run time and call object methods. - Identify the actions that trigger an event and learn about the building blocks of Visual Basic. - Work with code statements and manage forms. - Declare different types of variables.
  • Anforderungen The course is intended for application developers who will use Visual Basic 5.0 to create sophisticated business applications. This series assumes that the learner has experience with Microsoft Windows operating system 3.1 or later, and a knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet applications. Participants should also have the knowledge of Basic or another procedural language, including experience using variables, control structures like if-then-else statements and also looping structures like for and while loops.
  • Titel Kurs 71591 - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Programming Fundamentals - Part 1
  • Inhalt Course Description

    This is the first course in a seven part series for application developers who intend to design, build and implement business solutions by using Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0. The series aims to enable the professionals to pass Microsoft exam 70-165, Developing Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0.

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    Unit 1: Introduction to Visual Basic 5.0 2 hours

    - Identify the advantages of using Visual Basic as a development environment.
    - Identify the various elements of a development environment.
    - Identify the steps to create an application.
    - Identify the reference materials available with Visual Basic.

    Unit 2: Visual Basic 5.0 Programs 2 hours

    - Identify the features of Visual Basic objects.
    - Set the caption of a Form at design time.
    - Assign the contents of a text box at run time.
    - Enter the code to return the value of Text property of a TextBox object at run time.
    - Move the focus on a TextBox object at run time by calling the SelfFocus method.
    - Identify the activities that trigger an event.
    - Identify the feature of the types of programming, Procedural, Event-Driven.
    - Create a Label Control at design time.
    - Add a Label control to a form.
    - Create a TextBox control at design time.
    - Add a TextBox control to a form.
    - Set a TextBox control property.
    - Create a CommandButton control at design time.
    - Add a CommandButton control to a form.
    - Set a CommandButtton control property.
    - Set a Tab order of a control.
    - Set the access key of a control.

    Unit 3: Working With Forms 1 - 2 hours

    - Identify the components of code modules.
    - Apply the editing features of Visual Basic to increase the readability of a code statement.
    - Change the attributes of the Visual Basic environment.
    - Specify the settings for the Code window.
    - Set object properties using predefined constants.
    - Enter the code to pass named arguments to a function.
    - Display messages and gather input from users.
    - Enter the code to invoke a form.
    - Enter the code to remove a form.
    - Enter the code to add the instance of a form at run time using the ReDim Preserve statement.
    - Enter the code to delete the instance of a form at run time using the Unload Me statement.
    - Enter the code to display a list of forms in an application using a Forms collection.
    - Set up a startup form for an application.
    - Enter the code for ending an application.
    - Identify the definition of a Visual Basic form event.
    - Select the appropriate form event where you will add code.

    Unit 4: Variables and Procedures 1 - 2 hours

    - Identify the rules used to name a variable.
    - Identify the types of scoping levels.
    - Write the statement to explicitly declare a local variable.
    - Declare public and private variables.
    - Identify the features of procedures, general procedure, event procedure.
    - Enter the code to create a Sub procedure.
    - Enter the code to call a Sub procedure using arguments; named arguments, optional arguments, array arguments.
    - Enter the code to create a Function procedure.
    - Enter the code to call a Function procedure by passing arguments; named arguments, optional arguments, array arguments.
    - Enter the statement to call a procedure from outside a module; form module, class module, standard module.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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