Kurs 71596 - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Working with ActiveX

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Kurs 71596 - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Working with ActiveX

  • Ziele - Identify the features and benefits of ActiveX and ActiveX automation. - Build an ActiveX client and incorporate ActiveX automation with Microsoft Excel. - Create an ActiveX project. - Create a control project and integrate a control to a Web page. - Identify the functions of ActiveX documents. - Create and automate documents. - Incorporate Internet connections in your applications.
  • Anforderungen This course is intended for application developers who will use Visual Basic 5.0 to create sophisticated business applications. This series assumes that the learner has experience with Microsoft Windows operating system 3.1 or later, and a knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet applications. Participants should also have the knowledge of Basic or another procedural language, including experience using variables, control structures like if-then-else statements and also looping structures like for and while loops. Participants should have taken Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Programming Fundamentals (Courses 71591 and 71592), Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Working with Databases (Courses 71593 and 71594) and Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Crystal Reports, DLLs, Add-Ins and MAPI (Course 71595).
  • Titel Kurs 71596 - Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0: Working with ActiveX
  • Inhalt Course Description

    This is the sixth course in a seven part series intended for application developers who intend to design, build and implement business solutions by using Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0. The series aims to enable the professionals to pass Microsoft exam 70-165, Developing Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0.

    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: ActiveX Client 1.5 - 2 hours

    - Identify the features of ActiveX components.
    - Identify the benefits of ActiveX technology.
    - Identify the methods for implementing the different ActiveX components.
    - Create a reference to an object defined in a type library by using the Dim statement.
    - Enter the code to create an instance by using the CreateObject function to assign a variable and object reference.
    - Enter the code to control an ActiveX server by using the Open and Range methods.
    - Compare the features of early and late binding.
    - Identify the functions of a container control.
    - Enter the code to create a new instance of a Microsoft Excel object by using the CreateObject function.
    - Enter the code to open an existing Excel workbook in a Visual Basic application.
    - Enter the code to create a chart by using the workbooks class from an existing workbook.
    - Execute a Microsoft Excel procedure by using the Run method.

    Unit 2: ActiveX Server 1.5 - 2 hours

    - Set the instancing property of a class.
    - Enter the code to create an instance of a class.
    - Create class events.
    - Create object properties using the Property procedure.
    - Enter the code to create methods for an object.
    - Enter the code to create a property as Friend in a class.
    - Enter the code to create a Friend method in a class.
    - Enter the code to create a method that displays a form by creating a reference of the form.
    - Enter the code to raise an event in a server using the RaiseEvent keyword.
    - Respond to an event in the client application raised by the server using WithEvent keyword.
    - Enter the code in the ActiveX server to call the call-back method implemented by the client from the type library.
    - Enter the code to handle the call-back notification using Sub procedure in a class module.
    - Make a multithreaded component by setting the project properties options.
    - Document the server.
    - Enter the code to control the server behavior using the App object properties.

    Unit 3: ActiveX Control 1 - 2 hours

    - Set the project options for an ActiveX Control project.
    - Add a standard Visual Basic control to a project control.
    - Add a property to a control.
    - Extend the control properties of a control by using the InitProperties event procedure.
    - Save the control properties of a control by using the WriteProperty event.
    - Retrieve the control properties of a control by using the ReadProperty event.
    - Insert a property page.
    - Connect a property page to a control.
    - Declare an event in a control by using the Event keyword.
    - Raise an event in a control by using the RaiseEvent keyword.
    - Add an ActiveX control to a Web page.

    Unit 4: ActiveX Documents 1 hour

    - Compare ActiveX documents with embedded objects.
    - Create an ActiveX document project having multiple documents.
    - Enter the code to automate the document using navigational methods.
    - Create a property.
    - Save the document properties using the WriteProperty method.
    - Retrieve the document properties.
    - Add an ActiveX document to a Web page.

    Unit 5: Accessing the Internet 1 hour

    - Identify controls used to connect to the Internet.
    - Include a WebBrowser control in the toolbox.
    - Connect to the Internet by using the hyperlink object.
    - Build a HTML page viewer.
    - Create a Web browser by using ActiveX controls.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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