Kurs 72510 - Microsoft Windows XP Administration Part 1: Installation and Configuration

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Kurs 72510 - Microsoft Windows XP Administration Part 1: Installation and Configuration

  • Ziele - Identify methods for determining whether system hardware and software are compatible with Windows XP Professional. - Identify factors that dictate which file system to select when formatting a partition for Windows XP Professional. - Identify key features of the text-only portion of the Windows XP Professional installation procedure. - Identify advantages of automating Windows XP Professional installation by using answer files and Uniqueness Database Files (UDFs). - Identify user interaction level, distribution method, and essential general and network settings for an answer file. - Identify additional network and advanced settings for creating an answer file. - Identify guidelines for installing hardware devices on a computer running Windows XP Professional. - Identify features of configuring multiple monitors in Windows XP Professional. - Identify Scanner and Camera Installation Wizard options that can be selected when installing a scanner or camera on a computer running Windows XP Professional.
  • Anforderungen The intended Audience for this course includes IT professionals that are new to the Windows XP environment, and involved in providing help desk support for Windows XP Professional desktops. They also provide support for the Windows XP family of products, or support for a Microsoft Windows XP solution environment. Finally, they are involved in supporting Windows XP Professional in non-Microsoft network operating systems. Course prerequisites would be A+ and Network+ certifications or equivalent.
  • Titel Kurs 72510 - Microsoft Windows XP Administration Part 1: Installation and Configuration
  • Inhalt Course Overview

    This is the first course in a five part series that discusses how to effectively plan an installation, perform a new installation and perform an upgrade. It also teaches how to automate the installation of Microsoft Windows XP Professional by using an answer file and a UDF by using the Setup Manager Wizard, and how to configure additional answer file settings. Finally, it covers how to install and support new hardware devices on a computer running Microsoft Windows XP Professional, and provides the knowledge needed to maintain and troubleshoot hardware devices.

    Deployment Options


    Total Learning Time

    6 to 8 hours


    Unit 1: Installing Windows XP Professional 2 - 3 hours

    - Identify methods for determining whether system hardware and software are compatible with Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify factors that dictate which file system to select when formatting a partition for Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify key features of the text-only portion of the Windows XP Professional installation procedure.
    - Identify features of mandatory Windows XP Professional product activation.
    - Identify considerations when using the Automated System Recovery (ASR) Preparation Wizard to back up a Windows XP Professional system.
    - Match common Windows XP Professional installation problems with their solutions.
    - Identify key features of the graphical user interface (GUI)-based portion of the Windows XP Professional installation procedure.
    - Identify requirements for installing Windows XP Professional over a network.
    - Identify the steps to prepare a computer system for an upgrade.
    - Identify upgrade paths for Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify considerations when upgrading to Windows XP Professional from previous Windows versions.
    - Identify considerations when installing Windows XP Professional in a dual-boot configuration.
    - Identify the functions of the User State Migration Tool (USMT).
    - Identify features of the Files and Settings Transfer (FAST) Wizard.
    - Identify requirements for transferring a single user's state to a new computer by using Windows XP Professional command-line tools.

    Unit 2: Automation of Installation 2 - 3 hours

    - Identify advantages of automating Windows XP Professional installation by using answer files and Uniqueness Database Files (UDFs).
    - Identify user interaction level, distribution method, and essential general and network settings for an answer file.
    - Identify additional network and advanced settings for creating an answer file.
    - Identify features of Uniqueness Database Files (UDFs).
    - Identify methods for using an answer file to initiate an automated setup for Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify features of using a Uniqueness Database File (UDF) in an automated setup for Windows XP Professional.
    - Match the specification combinations for answer file and Uniqueness Definition File (UDF) keys and sections with their outcomes.
    - Identify requirements for creating and deploying an image of a configured Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Sequence the steps to configure a reference computer to create an image of a configured Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Copy the Administrator profile to the Default User profile to preserve custom user settings for an imaged Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Identify methods for automating the Mini-Setup Wizard during creation of an image of a configured Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Run Sysprep.exe during creation of an image of a configured Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Identify the steps for creating and testing an image of a configured Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Identify the steps to deploy an image of a configured Windows XP Professional installation.
    - Identify features of using Remote Installation Services (RIS) to deploy Windows XP Professional with limited or no user intervention.

    Unit 3: Hardware Configuration 2 hours

    - Identify guidelines for installing hardware devices on a computer running Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify features of configuring multiple monitors in Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify Scanner and Camera Installation Wizard options that can be selected when installing a scanner or camera on a computer running Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify features of managing removable media in Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify the digital driver signing options in Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify features of methods for updating drivers for Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify the features of Driver Rollback in Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify features of troubleshooting devices installed on a computer running Windows XP Professional by using Device Manager.
    - Identify guidelines for the safe removal of devices from a computer running Windows XP Professional.
    - Identify guidelines for manually configuring the settings assigned to resources by Windows XP Professional.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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