Kurs 72592 - Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Part 3

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Kurs 72592 - Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Part 3

  • Ziele - Use ActiveX Data Objects to access and manipulate data sources. - Understand SQL Server security implementations. - Implement an appropriate cursor for a recordset object.
  • Anforderungen This course is designed for programmers who need to create basic applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Participants should have completed the first two courses in this series.
  • Titel Kurs 72592 - Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Part 3
  • Inhalt Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) - 4 hours

    - Identify the characteristics of ADO.
    - Identify the components of the ADO object model.
    - Identify methods of handling data access errors.
    - Connect to a database using ADO.
    - Connect to a data source.
    - Identify connection object events.
    - Identify database connections.
    - Identify the uses of the Command object.
    - Identify the uses of the Recordset object.
    - Identify ways of presenting data to the user.
    - Identify the properties and methods that allow navigation through a recordset.
    - Identify code to sort records.
    - Identify code to filter and search records.
    - Update data using the Execute method.
    - Update data using a recordset.
    - Create a disconnected Recordset object.
    - Identify the methods used in data persistence.
    - Identify how much connection information is required to reconnect to a data source.
    - Identify issues related to the performance of batch updates.
    - Create a dynamic recordset.

    Unit 2: Advanced Data Access Issues - 4 hours

    - Identify the guidelines for incorporating user ID and user password values in SQL Server security.
    - Select a cursor type for a Recordset object.
    - Select a cursor location for a Recordset object.
    - Create a cursor.
    - Select a LockType property for a Recordset object.
    - Identify the features of implicit and explicit transactions.
    - Identify SQL Server data integrity features.
    - Identify guidelines for handling referential integrity errors.
    - Identify the guidelines for executing statements directly.
    - Identify the features of stored procedures.
    - Call a stored procedure.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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