Kurs 72610 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 1

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Kurs 72610 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 1

  • Ziele - Identify the features, tools, Wizards and resource editors of Visual C++ 6.0. - Install and configure SQL Server and Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ). - Describe two-tier and three-tier applications. - Identify the element of Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) environment and the steps to configure a client to use an MTS component. - Install and configure Visual SourceSafe (VSS) and establish the source-code control environment.
  • Anforderungen This course is designed for programmers looking to develop applications using MFC library and Microsoft Visual C++.
  • Titel Kurs 72610 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 1
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    Unit 1: Visual C++ 6.0: IDE Interface - 2 hours

    - Identify the features of Visual C++ 6.0.
    - Install Visual C++ 6.0.
    - Identify the function of a Visual C++ 6.0 tool.
    - Match the Visual C++ 6.0 wizard with their uses.
    - Match the Visual C++ 6.0 resource editors with their uses.
    - Identify the IDE interface components according to their functions.
    - Identify the menu items of Visual C++ according to their functions.
    - Identify the toolbar buttons of Visual C++ according to their functions.
    - Create a new project by using the MFC AppWizard (exe).
    - Match the different types of Visual C++ project files with their contents.
    - Add a shortcut key to a command that does not have a default shortcut key.
    - Edit the shortcut key for a specific command.
    - Display a specific toolbar.
    - Add a specific toolbar button to a toolbar.
    - Group specific buttons on a toolbar.
    - Add an additional tool to the IDE.
    - Add a macro to the IDE.

    Unit 2: SQL Server 6.5 and MSMQ - 2 hours

    - Register SQL Server 6.5 by using the SQL Enterprise Manager.
    - Configure SQL Server 6.5 by using the Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager.
    - Configure a SQL Server database by using the SQL Enterprise Manager.
    - Set permissions for a specific user by using the By User tab.
    - Install Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ).
    - Create a queue by using the Microsoft Message Queue Explorer.
    - Configure an enterprise by using the Microsoft Message Queue Explorer.
    - Configure a site by using the Microsoft Message Queue Explorer.
    - Configure a queue by using the Microsoft Message Queue Explorer.

    Unit 3: MTS and Application Types - 2 hours

    - Identify the limitations of a two-tier application.
    - Identify the advantages of a three-tier application.
    - Identify the features of Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).
    - Identify the ideal situation for installing MTS according to a given set of requirements.
    - Install MTS 2.0 on a Windows NT server.
    - Identify the uses of the MTS environment elements.
    - Identify the MTS Explorer interface items that will be used in a given situation.
    - Sequence the steps that are performed by a client application executable to set up a client for using MTS components.

    Unit 4: VSS and Source-Code Control - 2 hours

    - Install a Visual SourceSafe (VSS) 6.0 Server.
    - Set a password for the default Admin user account by using the VSS Administrator application.
    - Create a user account by using the VSS Administrator application.
    - Grant specific rights to all the VSS database users by using the VSS Administrator application.
    - Grant rights to specific users of a project by using the VSS Administrator application.
    - Install the VSS Client On Windows NT.
    - Identify the steps to establish the source code control environment.
    - Place a project under source code control.
    - Check a file out by using the appropriate menu item.
    - Compare the changes made to a local file copy with its associated master copy.
    - Check a file in by merging the changes made to the file.
    - Check a file in without accepting changes made to the file.
    - Remove a file from source-code control.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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