Kurs 72613 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 4

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Kurs 72613 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 4

  • Ziele - Identify the types of help techniques and implement a help system for an application. - Identify the exception handling architecture and implement exception handling in an MFC application. - Implement threading in an MFC application. - Create a dynamic user interface and an ISAPI DLL that dynamically updates the content in a Web page. - Identify the features and benefits of ActiveX controls and COM components and incorporate them in MFC applications.
  • Anforderungen This course is designed for programmers looking to develop applications using MFC library and Microsoft Visual C++. Participants should have completed the first three courses in this series.
  • Titel Kurs 72613 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 4
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    Unit 1: Online User Assistance - 2 hours

    - Match the different types of help that you can provide in an MFC application with their purposes.
    - Match the different help files in an MFC application with their purposes.
    - Add ToolTips to an interface control by using the Resource Editor.
    - Create an HTML help file for an application by using HTML Help Workshop.
    - Add HTML help support files in an MFC application.
    - Add context-sensitive help to an MFC application.
    - Add a link to a Web-based help file from an HTML help file.

    Unit 2: Exception Handling - 2 hours

    - Identify the need to use exception handling in an MFC application.
    - Identify the features of the different exception handling mechanisms that are supported by Visual C++.
    - Match the statements in the C++ exception handling syntax with their purposes.
    - Identify the steps in the exception handling process.
    - Identify the advantages of using exception handling over using return codes.
    - Match the functions of the CException class with their purposes.
    - Identify the derived classes to be used for handling the errors generated in specific situations.
    - Complete the code to implement C++ exception handling in an MFC application.

    Unit 3: Implementing Asynchronous Processing - 2 hours

    - Identify the differences between threads and processes.
    - Identify the features of threads implemented by MFC.
    - Identify the classes and functions used by MFC to implement threading in an application.
    - Create a worker thread by using AppWizard.
    - Identify the rules to suspend and resume threads.
    - Identify the uses of the Sleep() API function.
    - Identify the functions used in the different thread termination situations.
    - Identify the steps to implement the critical sections thread synchronization object.
    - Identify the steps to implement the mutexes thread synchronization object.
    - Identify the steps to implement the semaphore thread synchronization object.

    Unit 4: Creating Dynamic Content - 1 hour

    - Identify the functions that are used in creating dynamic user interfaces by performing read/write to the Registry.

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