Kurs 73234 - Microsoft Visual Basic.NET-Web Development Pt 4: XML Web Services

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Kurs 73234 - Microsoft Visual Basic.NET-Web Development Pt 4: XML Web Services

  • Ziele - To identify features of XML. - To match XML core technologies with their functions. - To identify the syntax for linking Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) stylesheets to XML documents. - To match state management types with their features. - To identify characteristics of server-side state management. - To identify characteristics of client-side state management.
  • Anforderungen This course is designed for beginning Web developers and Microsoft Visual Basic developers who want to learn Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET. Beginner Web developers have minimal experience with programming. However, they know the basic constructs of programming, such as loops and conditional statements. Participants in this course possibly work on a team in a medium or large development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Enterprise Developer Edition. This course is suitable for Web developers who have knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or dynamic HTML (DHTML), along with some knowledge of a scripting language, such as Visual Basic Scripting Edition or Microsoft JScript.
  • Titel Kurs 73234 - Microsoft Visual Basic.NET-Web Development Pt 4: XML Web Services
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    Unit 1: XML and Web Services in ASP.NET - 4 hours

    - Identify features of XML.
    - Match XML core technologies with their functions.
    - Identify the syntax for linking Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) stylesheets to XML documents.
    - Identify functions of .NET classes for reading and writing XML.
    - Identify functions of DataSets when they are used with XML.
    - Match XML-based DataSet methods with their functions.
    - Identify considerations for creating nested XML data.
    - Identify the syntax for synchronizing a DataSet object with an XmlDataDocument object.
    - Identify syntax for manipulating data in an XmlDataDocument.
    - Identify characteristics of an XML Web server control.
    - Identify the syntax for using an XslTransform object.
    - Identify syntax for loading XML data by using the XML Web server control.
    - Match XML Web services features with their descriptions.
    - Identify protocols that are used for communication by an XML Web service.
    - Identify the syntax of an XML Web service.
    - Sequence the steps for creating an XML Web service.
    - Identify features of XML Web service responses.
    - Identify the syntax of a default Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web service response.
    - Identify the syntax for creating a custom-formatted XML Web service response.
    - Sequence the steps for finding an XML Web service.
    - Match .NET My Services with their functions.
    - Identify methods for accessing an XML Web service.
    - Sequence the steps for calling an XML Web service by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
    - Sequence the steps for accessing an XML Web service by using a proxy.
    - Identify sources of error when using XML Web services.

    Unit 2: State Management - 4 hours

    - Match state management types with their features.
    - Identify characteristics of server-side state management.
    - Identify characteristics of client-side state management.
    - Match global.asax file events with their descriptions.
    - Identify the syntax for initializing Application and Session variables.
    - Identify the syntax for using Application and Session variables.
    - Identify the syntax for scalable storage of Application and Session variables.
    - Identify the code for creating a cookie.
    - Identify the code for retrieving information from cookies.
    - Identify features of cookieless sessions.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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