Kurs 73244 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Windows Part 4: Reporting and Usability

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Kurs 73244 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Windows Part 4: Reporting and Usability

  • Ziele - To identify features and functions of the Crystal Reports reporting tool. - To create a report by using Crystal Reports. - To sequence the steps to view a report by using CrystalReportsViewer. - To identify accessibility support features in VB.NET. - To identify the properties used to make forms and controls accessible. - To test for accessibility by using Narrator.
  • Anforderungen Participants in this course possibly work on a team in a medium or large development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Enterprise Developer Edition. Typical job roles include System Administrator, Database Administrator, Application Developer, System Analyst, or Software Engineer. This course requires experience in programming and developing of Visual Basic applications. It is presumed that the student has completed the Microsoft MSDN Training Course 2559A, Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming or Equivalent.
  • Titel Kurs 73244 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Windows Part 4: Reporting and Usability
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    Unit 1: Reporting and Printing - 4 hours

    - Identify features and functions of the Crystal Reports reporting tool.
    - Create a report by using Crystal Reports.
    - Sequence the steps to view a report by using CrystalReportsViewer.
    - Sequence the steps to add a DataSet to a report.
    - Identify components used to enable printing in a Windows Forms application.
    - Identify functions of the PrintDocument object components.
    - Identify features and functions of the PrintPage event.
    - Identify features of the components of the PrintPageEventArgs object.
    - Sequence the steps to enable the printing facility in a Windows Forms application.
    - Match preconfigured dialogs in Visual Studio .NET with their characteristics.
    - Sequence the steps to add print-preview functionality to an application by using the PrintPreviewDialog control.
    - Sequence the steps to add page-layout functionality to your application by using the PageSetupDialog control.
    - Sequence the steps to use print-related settings in an application by using the PrintDialog control.
    - Identify features and functions of Graphics Device Interface + (GDI+).
    - Identify methods of the Graphics object.
    - Identify the code used to create pens, brushes, and fonts.
    - Sequence the steps to construct text in the PrintPage event procedure.
    - Identify the code used to generate print content by using StreamReader.

    Unit 2: Enhancing the Usability of Applications - 4 hours

    - Identify accessibility support features in VB.NET.
    - Identify the properties used to make forms and controls accessible.
    - Test for accessibility by using Narrator.
    - Identify the types of help supported by VB.NET in an application.
    - Add context-sensitive help for a control by using the HelpProvider control.
    - Link a help topic to a menu.
    - Add a tool tip to a control.
    - Identify ways in which globalization is supported by VB.NET.
    - Identify the syntax used for encoding base types.
    - Identify characteristics of the localization process in VB.NET.
    - Set localization properties.
    - Create a localized resource file.
    - Identify the code used to set the culture of an application to change according to the user choice.
    - Identify methods of localizability testing for world-ready applications.
    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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