Kurs 73245 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Windows Part 5: Deployment Process

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Kurs 73245 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Windows Part 5: Deployment Process

  • Ziele - To identify characteristics of a private assembly. - To identify characteristics of strong-named assemblies. - To identify the steps to build a strong-named assembly. - To identify features and functions of .NET security. - To identify features and functions of evidence. - To match permission classes with built-in code access in .NET security with their functions.
  • Anforderungen Participants in this course possibly work on a team in a medium or large development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Enterprise Developer Edition. Typical job roles include System Administrator, Database Administrator, Application Developer, System Analyst, or Software Engineer. This course requires experience in programming and developing of Visual Basic applications. It is presumed that the student has completed the Microsoft MSDN(r) Training Course 2559A, Introduction to Visual Basic .NET Programming or Equivalent.
  • Titel Kurs 73245 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Windows Part 5: Deployment Process
  • Inhalt Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Debugging and Deploying Applications - 4 hours

    - Identify characteristics of a private assembly.
    - Identify characteristics of strong-named assemblies.
    - Identify the steps to build a strong-named assembly.
    - Call a strong-named assembly.
    - Add an assembly to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
    - Sequence the steps in the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) compilation process.
    - Identify features of application configuration files.
    - Identify element attributes of an application configuration file.
    - Create an application configuration file.
    - Distinguish between policy levels that can override the default settings in the application configuration file
    - Trace the assembly loading process of an application by using the Assembly Binding Log Viewer.
    - Match packaging and deployment options for .NET applications with their features.
    - Identify the steps to create a Windows Installer setup project.
    - Identify features of Windows Installer deployments.
    - Identify features of code tracing and debugging.
    - Identify features of trace switches.
    - Match types of trace listeners with their descriptions.
    - Identify capabilities of the debugger.
    - Identify guidelines for implementing a unit test plan.

    Unit 2: Securing Windows Forms Applications - 4 hours

    - Identify features and functions of .NET security.
    - Identify features and functions of evidence.
    - Match permission classes with built-in code access in .NET security with their functions.
    - Identify phases of code-access security in VB.NET.
    - Identify features of assembly permission requests.
    - Identify the code used to make assembly permission requests.
    - Use mscorcfg.msc to view security policy settings.
    - Identify the features of the Create Code Group Wizard.
    - Identify the code used to test the code access security of an application.
    - Identify the code used to set code access security with declarative attributes.
    - Identify the code used to set code access security imperatively.
    - Identify features and functions of role-based security.
    - Identify the code to create WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity objects for single and repeated validation.
    - Identify the code to create GenericPrinciple and GenericIdentity objects to implement role-based security that is independent of Windows Security.
    - Identify the code used to set role-based security with declarative attributes.
    - Identify code used to set role-based security imperatively.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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