Kurs 73250 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 5: Security

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Kurs 73250 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 5: Security

  • Ziele - To identify features of deployment concepts. - To distinguish between application-private and shared assemblies. - To identify features of versioning. - To identify features of security types. - To match predefined permission sets with their descriptions. - To distinguish between Basic and Digest authentication.
  • Anforderungen This course is aimed at database administrators, application developers, systems analysts, and software engineers. Typically, students will may be working in a medium to large development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Enterprise Developer Edition. Candidates should have at least one year of experience developing middle-tier components. Candidates should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic.NET.
  • Titel Kurs 73250 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 5: Security
  • Inhalt Course Description

    The Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 5: Security course covers how to deploy and secure XML Web services, .NET Remoting objects, Windows Services, and serviced components by using Visual Studio .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework.

    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Deploying .NET Applications 3 - 4 hours

    - Identify features of deployment concepts.
    - Distinguish between application-private and shared assemblies.
    - Identify features of versioning.
    - Identify the syntax for deploying private assemblies using the XCOPY command.
    - Identify commands used for deploying shared assemblies.
    - Match values used for configuring side-by-side deployment with their functions.
    - Identify the syntax for implementing side-by-side deployment.
    - Identify features of Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) data structures.
    - Identify features of Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) application programming interface (API) categories.
    - Identify features of static discovery.
    - Sequence the steps for publishing an XML Web service on the Internet.
    - Identify features of XML Web service deployment.
    - Identify features of XML Web service configuration.
    - Identify methods used to manage versioning in an XML Web service.
    - Identify features of .NET Remoting object deployment.
    - Identify methods of installing a .NET Remoting object.
    - Create a Setup Project to deploy a Windows Service.
    - Identify the steps for installing a Windows Service.
    - Identify limitations of dynamic registration.
    - Identify the syntax for using the .NET Services Installation tool (Regsvcs.exe).
    - Identify the syntax for using the RegistrationHelper class.
    - Export a COM+ application.
    - Deploy an application proxy.
    - Expose a COM+ application as an XML Web service.
    - Install a serviced component.

    Unit 2: Securing .NET Applications 3 - 4 hours

    - Identify features of security types.
    - Match predefined permission sets with their descriptions.
    - Distinguish between Basic and Digest authentication.
    - Identify characteristics of Integrated Windows authentication.
    - Identify features of the authentication types used for configuring in Internet Information Services (IIS).
    - Match Forms authentication attributes with their descriptions.
    - Identify the syntax for defining a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) header for an XML Web service.
    - Identify the syntax used in the Web.config file to use HttpModules in authentication for a Web service.
    - Identify the syntax used by an XML Web service consumer to populate a SOAP header.
    - Distinguish between identity types.
    - Identify features of principal types.
    - Identify the syntax for implementing role-based security.
    - Identify fundamentals of code access security.
    - Identify uses of code access security in ASP.NET XML Web services.
    - Match valid users attribute settings with their descriptions.
    - Identify features of X.509 certificates used for enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on an XML Web server.
    - Identify features of classes used for implementing custom Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) extensions.
    - Identify considerations for securing a .NET Remoting object on Internet Information Services (IIS).
    - Identify the syntax for securing a .NET Remoting object on Internet Information Services (IIS).
    - Match ServiceAccount values used to set the security context with their descriptions.
    - Identify the syntax for implementing security in a Windows Service.
    - Distinguish between COM+ and .NET Framework role-based security.
    - Identify the syntax for creating a private component.
    - Match ApplicationAccessControl properties with their descriptions.
    - Identify the syntax for implementing security roles.
    - Match SecurityCallContext properties used for determining the identity of a caller application with their descriptions.
    - Set default permissions using the Component Services tool.
    - Match Authentication property values with their descriptions.
    - Match ImpersonationLevel property values with their descriptions.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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