Kurs 73483 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Designing and Implementing Databases - Part 4: Managing Indexes

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Kurs 73483 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Designing and Implementing Databases - Part 4: Managing Indexes

  • Ziele - Identify the features of clustered indexes. - Identify the features of nonclustered indexes. - Retrieve information from the sysindexes table. - Identify guidelines for creating indexes. - Identify the considerations for creating unique indexes. - Identify the considerations for creating composite indexes. - Identify the functions of the query optimizer. - Identify the features of cost-based optimization. - Sequence the steps for processing queries by using query optimizer.
  • Anforderungen The Audience for this course includes database designers, database managers, and technical managers. Candidates for Exam 70-229 operate in medium to large computing environments that use SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000 Active Directory, and Internet Information Server (IIS). Students are expected to have experience with using the Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system, understand database concepts and Transact-SQL syntax. Students should also be familiar with the role of the database administrator. In addition, students should have taken the first three parts of the series (73480-73482).
  • Titel Kurs 73483 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Designing and Implementing Databases - Part 4: Managing Indexes
  • Inhalt Course Overview

    This is the fourth course in a five part series that will teach students how to work with SQL Server indexes. Students will learn how to plan for index creation, how to create and manage indexes, as well as learn how to optimize query performance and how to analyze queries.

    Deployment Options



    CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs

    Total Learning Time

    6 to 8 hours


    Unit 1: Planning Indexes 2 - 3 hours

    - Identify the features of nonclustered indexes.
    - Retrieve information from the sysindexes table.
    - Identify how SQL Server 2000 searches for rows without indexes.
    - Identify features of the process by which SQL Server 2000 searches for rows in a heap with a nonclustered index.
    - Identify how SQL Server 2000 searches for rows in a table with a clustered index.
    - Identify how to search for rows in a clustered index by using a nonclustered index.
    - Identify the guidelines for creating indexes.
    - Identify the considerations for choosing the appropriate clustered index for an SQL table.
    - Identify the considerations for creating indexes that support queries.
    - Identify the considerations for determining the distribution of data.

    Unit 2: Creating and Maintaining Indexes 2 - 3 hours

    - Identify guidelines for creating indexes.
    - Identify the considerations for creating unique indexes.
    - Identify the considerations for creating composite indexes.
    - Identify the requirements for creating indexes on computed columns.
    - Create an index on a table.
    - Identify the differences between the clustered and non-clustered index structure.
    - Identify the reasons for using the FILLFACTOR option.
    - Identify characteristics of data fragmentation.
    - Identify the characteristics of the DBCC SHOWCONTIG statement.
    - Identify guidelines for using the Index Tuning Wizard.
    - Identify the performance considerations for creating indexes.
    - Identify the methods for creating statistics.
    - Identify the methods for updating statistics.
    - Identify methods for viewing statistical information.
    - Identify the steps to determine the selectivity of an index.
    - Evaluate the selectivity of an index by using SQL Query Analyzer.

    Unit 3: Optimizing Query Performance 2 hours

    - Identify the functions of the query optimizer.
    - Identify the features of cost-based optimization.
    - Sequence the steps for processing queries by using query optimizer.
    - Identify how SQL Server 2000 stores execution plans in the cache.
    - Identify how to set a cost limit to prevent queries from consuming excessive system resources.
    - Identify the characteristics of the SHOWPLAN statement.
    - Match the elements of a graphical execution plan with their descriptions.
    - Identify features of an output reading from a graphical execution plan.
    - View a graphical execution plan by using SQL Query Analyzer.
    - Identify the features of indexes that cover queries.
    - Identify the features of the different types of navigation.
    - Identify when an index can be used to cover a query.
    - Identify the differences in execution plans when a query is covered by a clustered index or a nonclustered index.
    - Identify how I/O is evaluated for range queries.
    - Identify the indexing strategy for multiple queries.
    - Identify the guidelines for creating indexes.
    - Identify features of overriding the query optimizer.
    - Identify the syntax for the SET FORCEPLAN statement.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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