Kurs 74501 - Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Administering

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Kurs 74501 - Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Administering

  • Ziele Learning Objectives • Identify benefits of public folders. • Identify methods to create public folders. • Identify key aspects of public folder trees. • Identify different recipient object types. • Identify steps to create recipient objects using the Exchange Task Wizard. • Identify the procedure for deleting and reconnecting mailboxes. • Identify key aspects of Internet client access protocols supported by Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. • Identify Internet client types used to access Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. • Identify advantages of using a front-end and back-end server topology.
  • Anforderungen This series is intended for messaging support professionals who work in medium-to-large environments (250 to 5,000 seats) with multiple physical locations, mixed-client connection protocols, and wireless and Internet messaging connectivity.
  • Titel Kurs 74501 - Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Administering
  • Inhalt Deployment Options

    Total Learning Time

    8 hours


    Unit 1: Installing and Managing Public Folders
    • Identify benefits of public folders.
    • Identify methods to create public folders.
    • Identify key aspects of public folder trees.
    • Identify tabs used to manage e-mail properties for public folders.
    • Identify methods to set storage limits on public folders.
    • Identify methods to replicate public folders.
    • Identify steps to customize the list of referral servers.
    • Identify aspects of public folder security.
    • Identify aspects of configuring permissions.

    Unit 2: Recipient Objects and Address Lists

    • Identify different recipient object types.
    • Identify steps to create recipient objects using the Exchange Task Wizard.
    • Identify the procedure for deleting and reconnecting mailboxes.
    • Identify ways to configure storage limits.
    • Identify the procedure for configuring mailbox permissions.
    • Identify ways to move mailboxes to other servers and mailbox stores.
    • Identify key aspects of managing mail-enabled groups.
    • Create and modify an address list.
    • Identify tasks to administer an address list.
    • Identify configurable areas for managing the Recipient Update Service (RUS).
    • Identify features of offline address lists.
    • Create a recipient policy.

    Unit 3: Client Access

    • Identify key aspects of Internet client access protocols supported by Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify Internet client types used to access Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify advantages of using a front-end and back-end server topology.
    • Identify key aspects of Network Load Balancing (NLB).
    • Configure a server as a front-end server.
    • Identify guidelines to configure Outlook Web Access (OWA) front-end servers.
    • Identify guidelines to configure additional virtual servers and directories on Outlook Web Access (OWA) back-end servers.
    • Identify firewall configurations for securing front-end and back-end servers.
    • Identify firewall configurations for supporting front-end and back-end servers.
    • Identify steps to configure DSAccess for perimeter networks.
    • Identify steps to implement IPSec between front-end and back-end servers.
    • Identify guidelines for optimizing front-end and back-end servers.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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