Kurs 74504 - Designing an Exchange Server 2003 Organization - Infrastructure

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Kurs 74504 - Designing an Exchange Server 2003 Organization - Infrastructure

  • Ziele Learning Objectives - Identify physical and logical aspects of an existing network design. - Identify important aspects of Active Directory that impact Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. - Identify considerations for integrating Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 with Active Directory. - Identify factors that influence routing group boundaries. - Identify considerations for using single routing groups. - Identify considerations for designing multiple routing groups. - Identify considerations for organizing and displaying public folders. - Identify considerations for organizing and displaying public folders. - Identify logistical requirements for public folders. - Identify security risk types and their characteristics. - Identify guidelines to protect an organization from security risks. - Identify guidelines for enhancing security using IIS.
  • Anforderungen This series is intended for messaging support professionals who work in medium-to-large environments (250 to 5,000 seats) with multiple physical locations, mixed-client connection protocols, and wireless and Internet messaging connectivity.
  • Titel Kurs 74504 - Designing an Exchange Server 2003 Organization - Infrastructure
  • Inhalt Deployment Options


    Total Learning Time

    8 hours


    Unit 1: Analyzing Active Directory
    • Identify physical and logical aspects of an existing network design.
    • Identify important aspects of Active Directory that impact Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify considerations for integrating Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 with Active Directory.
    • Identify benefits of Active Directory group strategy.
    • Identify design considerations associated with domain local groups.
    • Identify design considerations associated with global groups.
    • Identify design considerations associated with universal groups.
    • Differentiate between security and distribution groups.
    • Identify considerations for designing an administrative plan.
    • Identify characteristics of administrative model types.
    • Identify characteristics of administrative roles.

    Unit 2: Routing Groups and Server Placement

    • Identify factors that influence routing group boundaries.
    • Identify considerations for using single routing groups.
    • Identify considerations for designing multiple routing groups.
    • Identify features of public folder referrals.
    • Identify the types of network topologies used for message flow.
    • Identify considerations for planning connectors between routing groups.
    • Identify features of different connector types.
    • Identify design considerations when planning connector costs.
    • Identify guidelines for providing fault tolerance between routing groups.
    • Identify considerations for planning server roles for a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 organization.
    • Identify factors that determine the sizing requirements of servers.
    • Identify considerations for the placement of servers.

    Unit 3: Planning Public Folder and Connectivity

    • Identify considerations for organizing and displaying public folders.
    • Identify considerations for organizing and displaying public folders.
    • Identify logistical requirements for public folders.
    • Identify considerations for planning a public folder client connectivity strategy.
    • Identify requirements for controlling public folder access.
    • Identify replication requirements for public folders.
    • Identify factors that influence designing of a replication strategy.
    • Identify considerations for public folder hardware requirements.
    • Identify considerations for planning full-text indexing.

    Unit 4: Designing Exchange Server 2003 Security
    • Identify security risk types and their characteristics.
    • Identify guidelines to protect an organization from security risks.
    • Identify guidelines for enhancing security using IIS.
    • Identify requirements for implementing perimeter security.
    • Identify guidelines for protecting a messaging system from viruses.
    • Identify guidelines for protecting mailboxes and mailbox content.
    • Identify methods for increasing security using a bridgehead server.
    • Identify methods for reducing port exposure.
    • Identify guidelines for designing intranet security.
    • Identify key aspects of Information Rights Management (IRM) service.
    • Identify requirements for designing an encryption strategy.
    • Identify steps to design a PKI strategy.
    • Identify methods for securing Internet E-mail with encryption.
    • Identify guidelines for implementing the S/MIME protocol.
    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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