Kurs 75061 - Microsoft Visio 2003 Expert User

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Kurs 75061 - Microsoft Visio 2003 Expert User

  • Ziele - Identify drawing operations that you can perform to create new shapes from existing shapes in a Microsoft Visio 2003 drawing. - Assign a shape to a new layer in Microsoft Visio 2003. - Identify options for modifying the properties of layers in Microsoft Visio 2003. - Export shape data from a Microsoft Visio 2003 drawing to an existing Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)-compliant database. - Link a shape in Microsoft Visio 2003 to a record in an existing database table. - Create new master shapes from each record in a database table using the Database Wizard.
  • Anforderungen This course is intended for personnel with significant prior experience; end users wishing to extend their skills in the areas of advanced diagram development and technical aspects of Microsoft Visio 2003. Experience with the Windows 2000/XP interface and basic knowledge of Visio 2003 is assumed. It is recommended that individuals take the first course in the series or have equivalent knowledge.
  • Titel Kurs 75061 - Microsoft Visio 2003 Expert User
  • Inhalt Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Visio 2003 Diagrams - Advanced Designing - 1.5 hours

    - Identify drawing operations that you can perform to create new shapes from existing shapes in a Microsoft Visio 2003 drawing.
    - Assign a shape to a new layer in Microsoft Visio 2003.
    - Identify options for modifying the properties of layers in Microsoft Visio 2003.
    - Create a master shape in a custom stencil in Microsoft Visio 2003.
    - Create a custom style in Microsoft Visio 2003.
    - Create a custom template in Microsoft Visio 2003.
    - Create a cross functional flowchart in Microsoft Visio 2003.
    - Link a Visio 2003 drawing to other Microsoft Office applications.
    - Save a Microsoft Visio 2003 drawing as a Web page.

    Unit 2: Visio 2003 - Working with Data - 1.5 hours

    - Export shape data from a Microsoft Visio 2003 drawing to an existing Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)-compliant database.
    - Link a shape in Microsoft Visio 2003 to a record in an existing database table.
    - Create new master shapes from each record in a database table using the Database Wizard.
    - Create a custom report on a drawing page in Microsoft Visio 2003.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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