Kurs Business English 2-day Intensive Course, Theme A: Ein Crashkurs
ZieleThis class is a crash course in Business English.
Anforderungenmindestens Niveau B1
Titelabc-internes Zertifikat
This class is a crash course in Business English. During this Intensive Course we will discuss Socializing, Telephone skills, E-Mails, presenting ourselves as well as some useful business vocabulary. You will receive several handouts that you can keep by your desk for quick reference. You will also be given some websites and some useful references to further your Business English. Of course we will also have a bit of fun along the way.
Der Kurs findet nur statt, wenn sich mindestens 4 Personen anmelden.
Bei geringerer Zahl kann der Kurs nur gegen einen entsprechenden Aufpreis stattfinden.