Master in Operation and Management of Maritime Systems

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Master in Operation and Management of Maritime Systems

  • Inhalt Master in Operation and Management of Maritime Systems.
    • Degree: Master of Science
    • Beginning of the course: Each winter semester
    • Duration of studies: 4 semesters
    With beginning of the winter semester 2008/2009 the new fundamental Master’s degree course “Operation and Management of Maritime Systems” began at the Department of Maritime Studies in Rostock-Warnemünde. It does not require an final degree with maritime background. The lectures are provided in English language.

    The conversion from Diploma- to Bachelor- and Master-degree-courses  at the faculty of engineering,  which the Department of Maritime Studies belongs to, has been enforced successfully by now. In conjuntion with the “Bologna process”  the education offered has been raised to a new level with the introduction of the first fundamental Master's degree course at the Department of Maritime Studies.

    The Master's degree course "Operation and Management of Maritime Systems" consists of nine compulsory modules and eight elective modules (from which each semester one -all in all two- have to be chosen). The contents of the compulsory modules are especially orientated towards the priorities of safe and effective operation, legal and economical aspects as well as softskills. The elective modules offer the possibility to acquire special knowledge in the nautical, technical or economical field.

    In 1999 in Bologna the foundation for a uniform, European higher education Area was laid, which is characterized by internationally compatible final degrees of Bachelor- and master's degree courses. The Master degree is a second university degree and offers also for graduates of technical colleges the possibility for further doctoral degree.

    Additional  advantages of the Master's final degree are clear to see. The graduate gains a better overview of the universal picture in terms of maritime systems due to the Master's degree course in Rostock-Warnemünde. Thereby the personal market value as well as the application advantage in terms of job advertisement can increase – compared with those of graduates of a Bachelor's degree course.

    For the consecutive Master's degree course no tuition fees are charged. It is an application-orientated full-time presence-course of studies with a duration of studies of three semesters. The lectures are provided in English language. The Master's degree course concludes with the degree “Master of Science (M.Sc.)”.

    Admission requirements are a first job-oriented final degree (Bachelor or Diploma) with a final grade of at least 2,5 or better. Enrollment is done each winter semester. Applications can be made all-the-year and can be submitted either to Hochschule Wismar or to the Department of Maritime Studies in Rostock-Warnemünde. Deadline is each 15th of July.

    Job profile.

    The job description and the areas of profession in maritime economy are subject to the change of the time like everything else. The knowledge provided in the Master’s degree course “Operation and Management of Maritime Systems” prepares the graduate excellent for starting work life in leadership positions, where advanced knowledge, lateral economic thinking and soft skills are essential.

    Studying the Master’s degree course “Operation and Management of Maritime Systems” in Warnemünde means to prepare specific for a career in the maritime industry.

    The professional areas of the Master’s degree course’s graduates are to be found in the marine and port sector (for example shipping companies, port operation companies and maritime service providers), in the maritime industry (for example shipyards, component suppliers and in the field of offshore business), in the maritime orientated training and further education and in the field of senior services in public administration.

    The future area of profession might be in management, in the strategic level of decision-making preparations or in the specific operational service.

    We encourage our students during study to detect and consequently develop their full individual potential in order to open up new fields of activity by means of their own working profile.


    [Translate to English:] 

    PM 01

    Safety, Security and Ecology in Maritime Systems

    PM 02

    Technical Aspects and Simulation of Maritime Systems

    PM 03

    Human Resources/Organisational Management

    PM 04

    Maritime Business Communication

    PM 05

    Maritime Management/Port Operations

    PM 06

    Management and Business Simulation

    WPM 01

    Maritime Law

    WPM 02

    Integrated Manoeuvring/Propulsion and Navigation Systems

    WPM 03

    Operation, Monitoring & Maintenance of Technical Systems

    WPM 04

    Operational & Strategic Management in Shipbuilding

    PM 07


    PM       Compulsory module 
    WPM    Elective module 

    Two elective modules have to be chosen out of the four. The elective modules give the possibility to deepen and to complement the curriculum to the individual focus. Alternatively to the given elective module other module from other master programmes of the Hochschule Wismar can be chosen if there is a functional connection to this curriculum. The examination board has to approve this other modules in advance.

    On questions on the modules and their contents please turn to our course consultant for the Master Course, Prof. Ziemer.

    Study objectives.

    The objective of the Master programme is the graduation with the academic degree Master. The studies of the consecutive Master programme “Operation and Management of Maritime Systems” concludes with the degree “Master of Science (M.Sc.)”.

    The course of study aims to prepare for executive functions in the area of maritime systems in a professional, application-oriented and methodical way. Building on a first qualifying degree in an either economic or engineering course of study knowledge and ability for the management of maritime systems are deepened.

    The main focus is on safe and efficient management of these systems, the economical, logistical and legal frameworks and connections as well as the area of soft skills.

    Based on the managers tasks of a maritime company or a company related to the maritime industry you are given the ability to apply scientific methods and ways of working – next to the necessary special knowledge for your transition to professional life. Correspondingly the education is focused on independent scientific work.

    The students are expected to be able to creatively develop alternative actions by themselves or in teams and to choose the optimal action alternative under consideration of the company’s targets and enforce those - based on their own analysis. The training needed therefore is made on the one hand in laboratory and simulator tutorials and on the other hand by processing case studies and complex projects in small groups.

    The concept of the studies represents high demands on the students in terms of motivation, initiative and independence. Especially during processing case studies in small groups the students are placed in unusual situations to get used open and creatively to new conditions. At the same time social skills and communicative competences are encouraged.

    At the end of studies the students should oversee the connections between their subject areas during studies and be able to analyze specific circumstances in a pragmatic and independent way and to evaluate solutions scientifically sound and to enforce those.

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