Master Intelligent Transport Systems

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Master Intelligent Transport Systems

  • Ziele This interdisciplinary Master's program opens up entirely new professional perspectives for its graduates, greatly enhancing their career opportunities.
  • Anforderungen - Bachelor technische FH/TU (Bachelor of Science or Engineering)
  • Titel Master of Science in Engineering (M.Sc.)
  • Inhalt Technology is so networking.

    The transport of goods and persons exerts a remarkable influence on our daily lives, and its repercussions are frequently negative such as traffic congestions and high emission levels. While many attempts have been made at improving the situation, there is still a shortage of experts that could solve the problems we are facing. Whether we are talking about classical traffic flows or highly complex traffic information systems, satellite navigation, e-ticketing, road pricing, and section control - in order to tackle future challenges successfully, we require intelligent, reliable, and efficient applications to address mobility needs in a more targeted fashion. In the next few years companies in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) will increasingly make available global technologies having a bearing on social developments. The transport telematics experts attending the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, on account of their broad interdisciplinary training, are able to pursue a variety of career options.

    ITS constitutes the missing link between intelligent vehicles, intelligent infrastructure, and people (operators, developers, and users of transport systems). This can only be achieved by means of sophisticated methods combining telecommunication, information, and automation technologies. The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien recognized this necessity and has responded accordingly. This interdisciplinary Master's program opens up entirely new professional perspectives for its graduates, greatly enhancing their career opportunities.


    Diese Themen bestimmen das Master-Studium der Verkehrstechnologie!

    - Satellite Navigation
    - Traffic Information Systems
    - Communication Technology
    - Computer Science
    - Sensor Technology
    - Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
    - Cooperative Systems
    - Traffic Management
    - ITS System Architecture
    - Business
    - Languages
    - Social Skills
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