Master Marketing

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Master Marketing

  • Titel Master of Arts (MA)
  • Inhalt Program Description

    The objective of the marketing core is to provide an opportunity for the student to study the dynamics of human behavior that affect marketing decisions. Included in this analysis is an examination of effective marketing practices and procedures and the analytical techniques required prior to basic marketing decisions.

    Program Curriculum

    The 36 credit hours required for the master of arts (M.A.) or the 48 credit hours required for the master of business administration (M.B.A.) must include the following courses for a major/emphasis in marketing:

    MRKT 5000 Marketing (Requisite Course)
    BUSN 5760 Business Statistics
    MRKT 5920 Marketing Channel Management
    MRKT 5940 Promotional Management
    MRKT 5960 Marketing Management
    MRKT 5970 Marketing Research
    MRKT 5980 International Marketing
    MRKT 6000 Integrated Studies in Marketing

    In addition, the student chooses elective courses offered in this major and/or from the program curricula of other majors.
    If the requisite course is waived, the student must choose an elective course from this major or from the program curriculum of another major. Students pursuing dual majors who have the requisite course(s) waived will complete only the remaining required courses for the dual majors.
    The required courses and electives listed in this core may be taken as Directed Studies, subject to the conditions stated in the Directed Studies section listed under Academic Policies and Procedures.

    Course Descriptions

    MRKT 5000 Marketing (Requisite Course)
    Students examine the character and importance of the marketing process, its essential functions, and the institutions exercising these functions. Course content focuses on the major policies that underlie the activities of marketing institutions and the social, economic, and political implications of such policies.

    BUSN 5760 Applied Business Statistics
    Students examine the application of statistical analysis, hypothesis testing and regression analysis in business decision making. The course will focus on the utilization of statistical methods as applied to business problems and operations.

    MRKT 5920 Marketing Channel Management
    The student studies distribution processes and institutional structures as subsystems of marketing strategy. Focus is on channel structure, product assortment considerations, promotional activities, pricing strategies, and physical logistics necessary to achieve channel objectives. Governmental, economic, and competitive aspects affecting channel management are included. Prerequisite: MRKT 5000.

    MRKT 5940 Promotional Management
    Students examine the use of all available promotional vehicles to communicate to potential customers the messages that support the objectives of the marketing plan. Each of the four elements of the promotion mix is covered: advertising, publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling. Specific focus is applied to building differentiated value perceptions in the customers in relation to competitors' products. Students who intend to take MRKT 5950 as an elective should take it before MRKT 5940. Prerequisite: MRKT 5000.

    MRKT 5960 Marketing Management
    The student examines the life cycle management of a product from inception to the point where it is no longer offered. Specific topics covered in the course include the product development cycle, product assortment decisions, branding, pricing, and others that make up the marketing mix and that are dynamic throughout the product life cycle. Specific emphasis is placed on identifying marketing problems, investigating alternative solutions, and rendering appropriate strategies and decisions. Techniques associated with situational analysis of problems are stressed. Prerequisites: MRKT 5000, MRKT 5920, MRKT 5940, and MRKT 5970.

    MRKT 5970 Marketing Research
    Students examine the application of research in gathering and analyzing information to forecast and control marketing activities. Problem formulation, procedures of research techniques, and application of tools and models to improve marketing decisions are covered in depth. Attention is given to techniques and criteria for identifying and selecting markets, and the usefulness of marketing research information to marketing managers is evaluated. The course is presented from the viewpoint of a consumer of marketing research rather than a practitioner of marketing research. Prerequisites: MRKT 5000 and either BUSN 6060 or MRKT 5890.

    MRKT 5980 International Marketing
    Students are exposed to several aspects of international marketing. This includes the international marketing environment and the international marketing mix—product, pricing, distribution, promotion—as well as emerging issues in international trade such as trading blocs, trade barriers, and standardization/adaptation. Prerequisite: MRKT 5000 or permission of the instructor.

    Capstone Course

    MRKT 6000 Integrated Studies in Marketing
    The student is expected to synthesize and integrate the learning experiences acquired in marketing and to evaluate the research and current topics relative to this major. Techniques used to accomplish these goals may vary. Prerequisite: completion of all other required courses in this major.
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