- Identify the procedure for creating advanced structures.
- Identify manipulation and memory management functions in structures.
- Create single and double linked lists.
- Manipulate single and double linked lists.
- Create stacks, queues, and binary trees.
- Manipulate stacks, queues, and binary trees.
- Index on linked lists and binary trees.
- Define the benefits of header files in the Standard ANSI C library.
- Identify important functions in the ANSI C library.
Application developers, software engineers, and programmer/analysts are some of the types of people who will benefit from taking this course. Personnel expecting to design and implement new or maintain existing systems and applications in a corporate environment. People who learned C in college, but have not used it in a couple of years and need to retrain. Individuals who are skilled in another structured programming language (Pascal, FORTRAN, COBOL, etc.) and now need to learn C, possibly as a prerequisite to C++, and those who are experienced in the general process of application development. In addition, students should have taken the first three parts of this series (courses 13201-03) prior to taking this course.
Kurs 13204 - C Programming - Part 4
Course Overview
This course is the last in a four-part series that will give students the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary to be able to write syntactically correct C code, using the facilities of a standard ANSI C library, to create basic applications. This series is not environment or vendor-specific. This course will teach students the skills and knowledge necessary to perform some more advanced tasks with the C language. Students will learn some important read/write and memory management skills as well as how to implement some advanced data structures, such as linked lists and binary trees. This course will also include a look at the standard ANSI C library, which is the core library for all ANSI C applications.
Deployment Options
CEU credits: 0.70 CEUs
Unit 1: Advanced Data Handling 1 - 2 hours
- Identify the code that represents a nested structure.
- Identify the code used to allocate memory dynamic for a specific situation.
- Identify the uses of the memory management functions that help in optimizing the use of memory.
Unit 2: Linked List 1 - 2 hours
- Identify the advantages of using linked lists to store data in memory.
- Identify the C code to create the first node of a single linked list.
- Identify the C code to traverse the nodes of a single linked list.
- Identify the C code to add a node in an unsorted single linked list.
- Identify the C code to add a node in a sorted single linked list.
- Identify the C code to search a node in a single linked list.
- Identify the C code to delete a node from a single linked list.
- Identify the C code to insert an element in a stack.
- Identify the C code to create the first node of a double linked list.
- Identify the C code to traverse the nodes of a double linked list.
- Identify the C code to insert a node in a double linked list.
- Identify the C code to delete a node from a double linked list.
Unit 3: Advanced Data Structures 2 hours
- Identify the C code to insert an element in a stack.
- Identify the definition of a stack.
- Sequence the steps to evaluate the values for the arithmetic expressions in a postfix notation.
- Identify the C code to insert an element in a queue.
- Identify the definition of queue.
- Identify the C code to delete an element from a queue.
- Identify the C code that is used to define a binary tree.
- Identify the C code to traverse a binary tree based on the inorder method.
- Identify the C code that represents the procedure for searching in a binary tree.
- Identify the C code that is used to insert a node to a binary tree based on a specific situation.
- Identify the requirements that should be satisfied to delete a node from a binary tree in a specific situation.
- Match data access methods with their features.
- Identify the C code used to create a linked list index.
- Identify the C code used to write the linked list index to disk.
- Identify the C code used to handle the insertion of a node in an existing linked list index.
- Identify the C code used to handle deletions of records from an existing linked list index.
- Identify the C code used to read the records by using the binary tree index.
Unit 4: ANSI C Library 2 hours
- Identify the roles of a linker.
- Identify the differences between library files and object files.
- Match the ANSI C header files with their purposes.
- Identify the functions of the macros in the stdarg.h header file.
- Match the functions in the stdio.h header file with the file operations that they perform.
- Match the functions in the stdlib.h header file with their purposes.
- Match the functions in the time.h header file with their purposes.
Course Access
Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.