Kurs 15032 - WordPerfect Office 11 - Presentations 11 - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 15032 - WordPerfect Office 11 - Presentations 11 - Online

  • Ziele
    - Match elements of the Presentations interface with their functions. - Create a presentation. - Save a presentation using the Save As command.
  • Anforderungen
    End-users, home users.
  • Titel
    Kurs 15032 - WordPerfect Office 11 - Presentations 11
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Presentations Fundamentals - 2 hours

    - Match elements of the Presentations interface with their functions.
    - Create a presentation.
    - Save a presentation using the Save As command.
    - Open a presentation.
    - Identify options in the Font Properties dialog box.
    - Insert a shape in a slide using the Insert menu.
    - Insert Clipart in a slide.
    - Create a data chart.
    - Identify options on the Transition tab of the Slide Properties dialog box.
    - Identify organizational capabilities in Slide Sorter view.
    - Identify options in the Play Slide Show dialog box.
    - Identify options in the Print dialog box.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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