Kurs 72594 - Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Part 5 - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 72594 - Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Part 5 - Online

  • Ziele
    - Optimize the usability and performance of an application. - Use the tools provided with Visual Basic 6.0 to develop applications more efficiently. - Create different kinds of components and applications for the Internet.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is designed for programmers who need to create basic applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Participants should have completed the first four courses in this series.
  • Titel
    Kurs 72594 - Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Part 5
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Optimizing Applications - 3 hours

    - Write code to save application settings to the Registry.
    - Write code to retrieve application settings from the Registry.
    - Add the VB Resource Editor to the Tools menu.
    - Create a resource file.
    - Identify the resource functions used to load information from a resource file at run time.
    - Identify techniques to optimize the speed of an application.
    - Identify techniques to reclaim memory from an application.
    - Identify native code optimization options.
    - Identify advanced native code optimization options.
    - Structure code for conditional compilation.
    - Identify methods for setting conditional compilation constants.
    - Identify the features of HTML Help.
    - Write code to display Help.
    - Identify the properties required to display context-sensitive Help.
    - Identify the features of the different editions of Visual Basic 6.0.
    - Identify the functions of Visual SourceSafe.

    Unit 2: Packaging and Deploying Applications - 3 hours

    - Identify the features of the Package and Deployment Wizard.
    - Start the Package and Deployment Wizard.
    - Identify options for creating a standard package.
    - Identify options for creating an Internet package.
    - Identify considerations for deploying a standard application.
    - Identify the requirements for deploying an application for the Web.
    - Identify the setup files necessary to install and uninstall an application.
    - Choose the appropriate application update deployment method.
    - Identify the options for distributing ActiveX controls.
    - Identify considerations for packaging an ActiveX control for the Internet.
    - License an ActiveX control for standard distribution.
    - Identify the stages in the process to license an ActiveX control for Internet distribution.
    - Determine the process for signing an ActiveX control.

    Unit 3: Building Internet Application - 2 hours

    - Identify the basic operations of the WebBrowser control.
    - Identify the main WebBrowser control properties, methods and events used in creating a browser application.
    - Identify the properties of an Active document.
    - Identify the features of the UserDocument object.
    - Identify the process for migrating a form to an Active document.
    - Identify the process for determining the container application.
    - Identify the process for persisting data in Active documents.
    - Identify the features of DHTML applications.
    - Identify the features of the DHTML Page designer.
    - Import an existing HTML page into the DHTML Page designer.
    - Identify the principal properties required to manipulate the style and content of HTML pages during run time.
    - Identify the features of IIS applications.
    - Add WebItems to a WebClass.
    - Identify the principle methods and events of a WebClass.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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