Kurs 72611 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 2

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Informationen über Kurs 72611 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 2 - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Innere Stadt - Wien

  • Ziele
    - Identify the definition, features of MFC key classes and the differences between SDK and MFC, static and dynamic and regular vs. extension MFC DLLs. - Identify the benefits and key classes of the Document View architecture. - Create View objects. - Identify the fundamental component types and identify the rules and guidelines for designing a component interface. - Identify the benefits of using data access, the data access capabilities of different libraries and the benefits of various data access technologies.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is designed for programmers looking to develop applications using MFC library and Microsoft Visual C++. Participants should have completed the first course in this series.
  • Titel
    Kurs 72611 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 2
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Microsoft Foundation Classes - 2 hours

    - Identify the features of MFC.
    - Identify the benefits of MFC.
    - Match the key classes in the MFC class library with their functions.
    - Identify the platform-specific characteristics to be considered when developing MFC applications for various platforms.
    - Identify the distinguishing features of MFC and SDK.
    - Identify the characteristics of a DLL.
    - Identify the advantages of dynamic libraries over static libraries.
    - Identify the features of different types of linking.
    - Select the appropriate situation in which you would use a specific DLL.

    Unit 2: Document View Architecture - 2 hours

    - Identify the features of the Document View architecture.
    - Identify the functions of the key classes in Document View architecture.
    - Create a minimal MFC program by using the Appwizard.
    - Identify the characteristics of CDocument class.
    - Identify the characteristics of CView class.
    - Create a Document View application by using the Appwizard.
    - Create a scrolling view by using the Appwizard.
    - Create a splitter window by using the Appwizard.
    - Match the drawing classes with their functions.
    - Draw a line by using the OnDraw() function.
    - Identify the printer information provided by the Windows functions.
    - Identify the tasks performed by the CView class to print a document.
    - Match the overridable member functions of the CView class with the reasons for overriding them.
    - Match the members of the CPrintinfo class with their uses.
    - Sequence the steps to print a document using the MFC functions.
    - Match the members that contribute to modify the print preview with their functions.
    - Enhance print preview by setting the number of pages to be displayed in the preview mode.
    - Sequence the steps to manage printing using the CPrintDialog class.

    Unit 3: Introduction to Component Design - 2 hours

    - Identify the benefits of using components.
    - Identify the interface design rules.
    - Identify the interface design guidelines.
    - Identify the features of COM components.
    - Identify the benefits of using COM components.
    - Identify the features of ActiveX controls.
    - Identify the benefits of using ActiveX controls.

    Unit 4: Determining Data Access Requirements - 2 hours

    - Evaluate whether a database should be incorporated in an application.
    - Identify the benefits of using data access model within an application.
    - Match the library to be used for accessing data with the given situation.
    - Identify the benefits of using DAO.
    - Identify the benefits of using ODBC.
    - Identify the benefits of using OLE DB.
    - Identify the benefits of using RDO.
    - Identify the benefits of using ADO.
    - Select the most appropriate data access model to access data from the database in a given situation.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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