Kurs 72614 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 5 - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 72614 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 5 - Online

  • Ziele
    - Store and retrieve data from a file and registry by using MFC. - Implement remote communication by using the Socket and Serial connection. - Create applications using MFC classes to access and manipulate a database by adding records, deleting records and editing records. - Create ADO database applications for accessing and manipulating a database in the Visual C++ environment.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is designed for programmers looking to develop applications using MFC library and Microsoft Visual C++. Participants should have completed the first four courses in this series.
  • Titel
    Kurs 72614 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 5
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Accessing System Data - 2 hours

    - Match the MFC classes involved in Serialization with their features.
    - Display data by using the CArchive class.
    - Open an existing file by using the Open member function of the CFile class.
    - Retrieve data from a file by using the Read member function of the CFile class.
    - Store data in a file by using the Write member function of the CFile class.
    - Identify the Seek function that will be used in a given situation.
    - Match the registry key with the information that they contain.
    - Set a registry key by using the SetRegistryKey member function.
    - Retrieve a value from a registry key by using CWinApp member functions.
    - Store information in a registry key by using CWinApp functions.

    Unit 2: Remote Communication - 2 hours

    - Match the member functions of the CSocket class with their uses.
    - Create a socket for a server and a client.
    - Set up a socket to listen for a connection.
    - Establish a connection to a socket.
    - Read incoming data from a given connected socket.
    - Write outgoing data to the connected socket.
    - Write the statement to open a COM port for overlapped I/O.
    - Write the statement to close a COM port.
    - Write the statement to write data to a COM port for overlapped I/O.
    - Write the statement to read data from a COM port for overlapped I/O.

    Unit 3: Database Access: ODBC and DAO - 2 hours

    - Configure an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) database to a system.
    - Identify the sequence in which MFC ODBC functions are called to complete a given task.
    - Create an ODBC database application.
    -  Create a display for the database application.
    - Modify an ODBC database application to manipulate the database.
    - Modify an ODBC database application to filter the records that satisfy the criteria entered by the user.
    - Identify the advantages of using DAO to connect to a database.
    - Match the Data Access Objects (DAO) database classes supported by MFC with their functions.
    - Create a DAO database application.
    - Modify a DAO database application to manipulate the database.
    - Modify the DAO application to filter the records that satisfy the criteria entered by the user.
    - Match the data members of database exception classes with their functions.
    - Sequence the steps that occur in the database exception-handling process.

    Unit 4: Database Access: ADO and RDO - 2 hours

    - Identify the advantages of using ADO to access a database.
    - Create an ADO database application by using data-bound dialog wizard.
    - Modify a ADO database application to manipulate the database.
    - Modify the ADO application to filter the records that satisfy the criteria entered by the user.
    - Match the ADO error codes with the situations in which errors occur.
    - Identify the benefits of using Remote Data Objects (RDO) to access a database.
    - Create an RDO database application using Wizards.
    - Modify the RDO application to filter the records that satisfy the criteria entered by the user.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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