Kurs 72616 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 7 - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 72616 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 7 - Online

  • Ziele
    - Test and debug a Visual C++ application. - Deploy a Visual C++ application. - Maintain and support Visual C++ applications.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is designed for programmers looking to develop applications using MFC library and Microsoft Visual C++. Participants should have completed the first six courses in this series.
  • Titel
    Kurs 72616 - Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: Designing and Implementing Applications - Part 7
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Testing and Debugging Applications - 3 hours

    - Identify the elements of a test plan.
    - Match the types of software testing with their uses.
    - Identify the benefits of beta testing.
    - Identify the uses of stress testing an application.
    - Enable the library debug support for an application.
    - Match the MFC debugging macros with their uses.
    - Debug an application by using the integrated debugger in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
    - Debug an application by using the Depends utility.
    - Display specific information about an application by using the Spy++ utility.
    - Identify the debugging tool that is to be used to resolve the programming errors in a given scenario.

    Unit 2: Deploying a Visual C++ Application - 3 hours

    - Match the deployment method with the factors to be considered when planning a deployment.
    - Select the appropriate deployment strategy for a given scenario.
    - Identify the reasons to select Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) as an aid in deploying a solution.
    - Identify the reasons to select Zero Administration for Windows (ZAW) as an aid in deploying a solution.
    - Package an application.
    - Create a setup project that installs and uninstalls an application by using InstallShield.
    - Assign files to file groups and file groups to components by using InstallShield.
    - Place a shortcut in the Programs cascading menu by using InstallShield.
    - Change the default background color of the setup by using InstallShield.
    - Build the medium to run a setup by using InstallShield.

    Unit 3: Maintaining and Supporting Applications - 2 hours

    - Identify the different types of maintenance for an application.
    - Identify the types of load balancing.
    - Implement static load balancing by using the Dcomcnfg.exe utility.
    - Identify the measures to be taken to prevent errors in an application.
    - Select an appropriate deployment method for an application upgrade.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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