Kurs 73210 - Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Technology Overview: Part 1 - .NET Framework and Visual Studio.NET - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 73210 - Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Technology Overview: Part 1 - .NET Framework and Visual Studio.NET - Online

  • Ziele
    - Identify key developments within the .NET framework. - Identify the capabilities of Common Language Runtime (CLR) in the .NET Framework. - Identify benefits of unified class libraries in the .NET framework. - Identify the functions of the debugging windows available in Visual Studio.NET. - Identify capabilities of macros in Visual Studio.NET. - Identify methods of tracing and event logging in Visual Studio.NET.
  • Anforderungen
    The audience for this course includes Technical Managers, Application Developers, System Analysts, and Software Engineers. Learners should have knowledge of distributed networks, and a knowledge of XML and XSLT would also be useful.
  • Titel
    Kurs 73210 - Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Technology Overview: Part 1 - .NET Framework and Visual Studio.NET
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: .NET Framework - 4 hours

    • Identify key developments within the .NET framework.
    • Identify the capabilities of Common Language Runtime (CLR) in the .NET Framework.
    • Identify benefits of unified class libraries in the .NET framework.
    • Identify .NET framework development capabilities.
    • Identify .NET framework solutions to versioning and security problems.

    Unit 2: Visual Studio.NET - 4 hours

    • Identify the functions of the debugging windows available in Visual Studio.NET.
    • Identify capabilities of macros in Visual Studio.NET.
    • Identify methods of tracing and event logging in Visual Studio.NET.
    • Match the Visual Studio.NET new features with their functions.
    • Match the components of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in Visual Studio.NET with their functions.
    • Identify the key features of Rapid Application Development (RAD) for the server.
    • Identify features of Windows Forms in Visual Studio.NET.
    • Identify features of Active Server Pages (ASP).NET.
    • Identify the features of Web Services in the .NET framework.
    • Identify capabilities of Web Forms and controls in ActiveX Server Page (ASP).NET.
    • Identify features of the deployment solutions in Visual Studio.NET.
    • Identify installation solutions in Visual Studio.NET.
    • Identify the features of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).NET.
    • Identify the functions of the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).NET DataSet.
    • Identify characteristics of the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).NET DataReader.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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