Kurs 74500 - Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Installing - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 74500 - Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Installing - Online

  • Ziele
    Learning Objectives • Identify advantages of using Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. • Identify features of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. • Identify aspects of the naming contexts of Active Directory. • Identify key aspects of migrating Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 in the same organization. • Identify requirements for an interim upgrade to Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. • Identify key aspects of migrating Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 on different servers. • Identify key aspects of different clustering technologies. • Identify hardware requirements for a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 cluster. • Identify types of cluster configurations.
  • Anforderungen
    This series is intended for messaging support professionals who work in medium-to-large environments (250 to 5,000 seats) with multiple physical locations, mixed-client connection protocols, and wireless and Internet messaging connectivity.
  • Titel
    Kurs 74500 - Implementing and Managing Exchange Server 2003 Installing
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options


    Total Learning Time

    8 hours


    Unit 1: Installing Exchange Server 2003

    • Identify advantages of using Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify features of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify aspects of the naming contexts of Active Directory.
    • Identify services by which Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 integrates with Active Directory.
    • Identify features of IIS services used by Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify server configurations that affect deployment of Microsoft Exchange Server.
    • Identify hardware requirements for deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify steps to install services required by Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify features of utilities used for preparing forests and domains.
    • Identify functions of installation switches used by Microsoft Exchange Installation Wizard.
    • Identify the steps to install Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 in a new organization.
    • Identify key aspects of unattended installation.
    • Remove Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 from an organization.

    Unit 2: Upgrading to Exchange Server 2003

    • Identify key aspects of migrating Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 in the same organization.
    • Identify requirements for an interim upgrade to Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.
    • Identify key aspects of migrating Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 on different servers.
    • Identify disadvantages of migrating user accounts with recipient connection agreements.
    • Identify advantages of migrating user accounts with Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT).
    • Identify key aspects of the Exchange Migration Wizard.
    • Identify guidelines for upgrading Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Install Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server into an existing Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 setup.
    • Identify guidelines for installing ADCs.
    • Identify steps to configure ADC.
    • Identify guidelines for setting up a connection agreement manually.
    • Identify considerations for troubleshooting the ADC connectivity.
    • Identify steps to configure Lotus Notes to coexist with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify key aspects of configuring Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 to coexist with X.400 compliant systems.
    • Identify steps to configure an X.400 connector to use the X.400 transport stack.
    • Identify key aspects of migrating from other messaging systems using the migration wizard.

    Unit 3: High Availability and Fault Tolerance

    • Identify key aspects of different clustering technologies.
    • Identify hardware requirements for a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 cluster.
    • Identify types of cluster configurations.
    • Identify considerations for using clusters.
    • Identify the steps to install Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 in a clustered environment.
    • Identify tools and utilities used for administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
    • Identify requirements to install Exchange System Manager on Microsoft Windows XP.
    • Install Windows Support Tools.
    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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