Kurs 76042 - Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Beyond the Basics - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 76042 - Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Beyond the Basics - Online

  • Ziele
    - Convert text to a SmartArt graphic. - Work with movie clips. - Insert sound clips. - Apply the animation effects to a slide. - Prepare a document for distribution. - Send a document. - Publish a presentation. - Work with clip art. - Use the Format Shape dialog box. - Apply advanced slide master techniques. - Create and apply a custom template to a presentation. - Create and apply a custom theme to a presentation. - Create and run macros. - Discuss the Code group commands. - Display the Developer Ribbon tab. - Identify the need for macros. - Work with comments. - Work with the Chart tools. - Customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding, removing, and rearranging buttons. - Work with the PowerPoint Options dialog box.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is for Small Office / Home Office (SOHO) consumer type users to all levels of business users.
  • Titel
    Kurs 76042 - Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Beyond the Basics
  • Inhalt
    Course Overview

    The Microsoft PowerPoint 2007: Beyond the Basics course aims at familiarizing the learners with advance features of PowerPoint 2007 such as customizing an automating work environment. This course explores the options building custom presentation, using multimedia in presentations, and preparing documents for distribution and publishing.

    Deployment Options



    MOS PowerPoint 2007

    Total Learning Time

    4 hours


    Unit 1: Working with Advanced Features

    - Work with the PowerPoint Options dialog box.
    - Customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding, removing, and rearranging commands.
    - Work with the Chart Tools tab.
    - Work with comments.
    - Identify the need for macros.
    - Display the Developer tab in the Ribbon.
    - Define the Code group commands.
    - Work with macros.

    Unit 2: Building Custom Presentations

    - Create and apply a custom theme to a presentation.
    - Create and apply a custom template to a presentation.
    - Apply advanced Slide Master techniques.

    Unit 3: Using Multimedia in Presentations

    - Work with clip art.
    - Use the Format Picture dialog box.
    - Convert text to a SmartArt graphic.
    - Work with movie clips.
    - Insert sound clips.
    - Apply animation effects to a slide.

    Unit 4: Preparing Documents for Distribution and Publishing

    - Prepare a document for distribution.
    - Send a document.
    - Publish a presentation.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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