Kurs Business English – Upper-Intermediate and Above

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Informationen über Kurs Business English – Upper-Intermediate and Above - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Innere Stadt - Wien

  • Ziele
    This class is another Business English crash course with different Topics. During this course we will work on Business Idioms, Presenting Facts and Figures, Corporate Structure, The Language of Meetings, Decision Making, Management Styles and a bit of grammar of course. This course is targeted towards the management level and those that take part in International meetings, negotiations and project management.
  • Anforderungen
    - Personen, die bereits solide Grundkenntnisse in englischer Grammatik und Vokabular besitzen - mindestens Niveau B1
  • Titel
    abc-internes Zertifikat
  • Inhalt

    This class is another Business English crash course with different Topics. During this course we will work on Business Idioms, Presenting Facts and Figures, Corporate Structure, The Language of Meetings, Decision Making, Management Styles and a bit of grammar of course. This course is targeted towards the management level and those that take part in International meetings, negotiations and project management.


    24 Unterrichtseinheiten (à 50 Min)


    Bei geringerer Zahl kann der Kurs nur gegen einen entsprechenden Aufpreis stattfinden.

Ähnliche angebote die in bezug zu ihrer anfrage "englisch" stehen

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