Master in Human-Computer Interaction (Joint Master mit PLUS)

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Informationen über Master in Human-Computer Interaction (Joint Master mit PLUS) - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Salzburg-Stadt - Salzburg

  • Inhalt
    Master in Human-Computer Interaction.

    Whether it’s smart homes, industry 4.0 or autonomous vehicles – many of today’s most cutting-edge developments are based on interactions between humans and computers. In the international joint master programme “Human-Computer Interaction”, you learn how to shape the way people interact with digital applications, products and services. Understand the relationship between people and interactive systems and become an expert in one of today’s most dynamic and significant fields of innovation.

    The joint master programme of Salzburg University of Applied Sciences and Paris Lodron University of Salzburg combines key competencies from computer science, design and psychology. Drawing from several areas of knowledge, the degree programme revolves around the research, design and development of interactive systems and innovative forms of interaction. 

    The programme is aimed at international graduates from fields such as human-computer interaction, design, media or communication studies and addresses the following topics:

    Abschluss: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
    Studienplätze: 30
    Dauer: 4 Semester
    Studienart/Methode: Vollzeit
    Studienort: Campus Urstein  Paris Lodron University Salzburg (Center for HCI, Campus Science City Itzling) 
    Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

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