Master Quantitative Asset and Risk Management

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Informationen über Master Quantitative Asset and Risk Management - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Leopoldstadt - Wien

  • Praktikum
    Compulsory stay abroad of at least 2 weeks, e.g. blocked in the 2nd year at one of the partner universities.
  • Anforderungen
    Completion of a social studies/business/natural science/ law/ technical degree in Austria or equivalent degree abroad with documented qualifications in Economic sciences (at least 9 ECTS) and Mathematics or statistics (at least 6 ECTS).
  • Titel
    Master of Arts in Business, MA
  • Inhalt
    The internationally oriented, English language based master`s degree programme “Quantitative Asset and Risk Management” is aimed at students with high affinity to (financial) mathematics and statistics. The course offers extensive know-how in the area of asset and risk management and is very convincing with its practical applications.
    This internationally-focussed master\'s degree programme is run in English. Graduates have the option of a double degree at one of our partner universities: University of Bologna (Italy), University of Economics (Katowice, Poland) and Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iași, Romania).The graduates can

    describe and analyse the connections between asset and risk management in finance.

    quantify and assess risk types in risk management, and infer measures for integrated steering of banks and insurance companies.

    analyse various asset classes and their products.

    carry out portfolio selections, and calculate key performance and risk measures.

    apply financial mathematics and statistics to developing financial models.

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