Summer School: Gender Dynamics in the Global Workplace

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Informationen über Summer School: Gender Dynamics in the Global Workplace - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Berlin - Germany

  • Inhalt
    Gender Dynamics in the Global Workplace.
    Course Type: Summer School
    Career Path: Business
    Course Category: Summer School
    How is gender identity formulated and handled in the workplace of different cultures? How is it changing today? Is equality best achieved through legislation, activism, protest or dialogue? Learn more about various workplace issues within global and local contexts, with a special focus on Berlin businesses. While Iceland has recently introduced a new law to pay equal wages for both men and women, it is a fact that German women are still paid on average 21% less than men. Gender pay gap, inequality and sexual harassment are only some of the controversial issues that are being discussed nowadays. Legal and cultural differences are leading to different outcomes worldwide, as social media keep playing a fundamental role. What is changing and what is staying the same?
    Course Requirements
    Bachelor students and graduates, minimum 18 years old.
    English proficiency:
    - TOEFL –77 (minimum of 22 in each band), computer-based: 240, paper-based: 587
    - IELTS – 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in all areas)
    - Cambridge Proficiency Exam (CPE): B2, C1 C2 level
    - Pearson Test of English (PTE) - minimum of 63
    - Complete application form
    Signed terms and conditions:
    - Passport photo 
    - Scanned passport copy
    - Copy of most recent degree/diploma certificate
    Course Duration: 2 weeks
    Online: No
    Campus Based: Yes
    Location: Berlin
    Gisma-Arden. Academic Affairs:
    The Academic Affairs department provides essential administrative services and support to underpin your study with Arden. There are two teams within it – the Quality team and the Registry and Assessments team. The Quality team work with your tutors, your examiners and your student representatives to ensure that your learning experience is of the highest quality. The Registry and Assessments team look after your student record, process all your assessment submissions, release results and organise certificates, transcripts and graduations.

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